A Guide On Mixing Different Cannabis Strains Together

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A Guide On Mixing Different Cannabis Strains Together

A lot of experienced stoners have their favourite go-to strain combinations. Let's go through why that is and give you a few combinations so you can try for yourself!

Whether you only have half a joint of each strain and need to mix or are just looking for a new experience, mixing strains can bring a whole new world to the experienced stoner. It's available to take advantage of by both the recreational and medical users.

Different strains will produce different symptoms because of the entourage effect. This is the concept that explains how cannabinoids act together to provide the psychoactive and medical effects of cannabis. When mixed in different quantities, these chemical components will act differently. With more than 100 registered cannabinoids, the combinations are endless, explaining the existence of so many strains.


When mixing strains, you're not only taking advantage of the cannabinoid mixture in each of those strains, but also how the two flowers will work together. It will make a difference how much of each strain is in each joint and if you mix the two herbs together or split the flower halfway in the joint.

A lot of consumers will claim the high is better when they mix good strains. On the other hand, you might also want to tone down a certain strain by mixing it with a lighter herb. This might come in handy if you plan to smoke before an important dinner or event. You either mix or you simply try packing a smaller bowl or rolling a thinner joint. But we all know how much more satisfying a proper smoke is.

At the end of the day, cannabis is a very personal experience. Only you will be able to decide if you like a certain combination or not or even if you like mixing at all. Regardless of that, let's go through some of the popular mixtures out there.



There are a lot of great cannabis combinations out there. So many that it was hard for us to pick just a few to show you. You might find your next favourite combination amongst these, but you're as likely to not enjoy any of them. The best strain mix for you might not even have been discovered yet. Ultimately, it's up to you to try out and experiment, but let's give you a few to kick-start your journey on the world cannabis mixtures.

If you're the kind of person who loves a good relaxing indica, you'll want to try White Cheese and Blueberry. This combination will provide you with a couch-locking dreamy high. Recreationally, you'll experience the relaxed and happy effects of both strains with a hint of creativity provided by the Cheese. Medically, your body will respond with a satisfaction in a lot of conditions. You'll feel better if you're dealing with stress, depression, insomnia, and even pain.

If on the other hand, you're the type of consumer to enjoy terpenes, you have to try the Blueberry, Bubblegum and Trainwreck combo. Terpenes are the components in cannabis responsible for the present aromas and flavours. This is a combination to be enjoyed by cannabis aficionados. Although you'll obviously be enjoying a wide array of effects, this mixture is extremely popular due to its effect on the mouth, not the brain. Smoking this combination will make you wish you had an endless bowl or joint to toke on all night.

A Guide On Mixing Different Cannabis Strains Together


Like we referred above, there are many reasons why one would mix different cannabis strains together. If you're not looking to increase your high, but to actually tone it slightly down, we also have combos for you.

Seen that we have an indica combination with an incredible head high, we thought of doing the same for the lovers of a good body high. For those guys we would suggest mixing the White Widow with some Purple Trainwreck. This combination will certainly give you an incredibly relaxed body high. You'll be left with a happy and euphoric high that can still be mentally light and clear.

And finally, for the perfect wake and bake, try out Lemon Kush and White Cheese. Although being strong flowers, the high they provide is extremely functional. The Lemon Kush brings in focus while the White cheese enhances your creativity. You're sure to feel the wonders of cannabis with this mix. Just be careful with how much you grind. Tread lightly with these plants.


Before you go full on bartender and start making crazy weed cocktails, there are a few guidelines we suggest you follow. First of all, you'll probably want to stay at home for this experience. You're most likely to feel things you've never felt before and these won't necessarily agree with you. If you're not at home, be sure you're somewhere you feel safe.

And obviously, don't smoke too much at once. Whether you're vaping, smoking joints or packing bowls—smoke less than your usual dose. Allow yourself to test the high and effect before embarking on a crazy journey. Be prepared for an interesting flavour. It will be hard to master the best flavour combinations. At first, your smoke might not taste that good. Just know that that's OK and you'll improve next time. Experiment and take notes. It will take time to truly understand strain mixing, but once you get it, the experiences can be very rewarding.